Party Manifestos – Election 2024

As the United Kingdom gears up for another pivotal general election, the political landscape is abuzz with the release of party manifestos. These documents are not just political promises; they are blueprints that outline the future each party envisions for the country. In this article, we delve into the manifestos of the major UK parties, dissecting their key points and pledges. From Labour’s extensive 136-page document to the Conservative Party’s bold economic and social initiatives, we explore how these manifestos aim to shape policy, impact finances, and address the big issues facing the nation. Join us as we unravel the commitments set forth by the political contenders and what they mean for the citizens of the UK.

Conservative Party Manifesto 2024

Labour Party Manifesto 2024

Liberal Democrats Manifesto 2024

Green Party Manifesto 2024

Reform UK Manifesto 2024

Scottish National Party Manifesto 2024

Plaid Cymru Manifesto 2024

ALBA Manifesto 2024

At the time this article was published, the ALBA manifesto had not been released. However a page giving details of Policies is available.

Workers Party of Britain

Scottish Greens Manifesto 2024

At the time this article was publised, the Scottish Greens manifesto had not been released.

Northern Ireland

General Election TV Debates

All the dates for the face-to-face General Election TV debates between the political parties and their leaders on UK television.


  • Head-to-Head: Tuesday 4 June, ITV ‘s Julie Etchingham will host the first major election debate from 21:00, between Mr Sunak and Sir Keir.
  • Seven-party debate: Friday 7 June, London – Mishal Husain will moderate a debate between leading figures from the seven biggest political parties, the Conservative Party, Labour Party, Liberal Democrats, Scottish National Party (SNP), Plaid Cymru, Green Party and Reform UK, in Great Britain. It will be broadcast from 19:30-21:00 on the BBC. Labour has said Sir Keir will not be attending the seven-party debate, while Mr Sunak has not yet decided.
  • The ITV Election Debate 2024: Thursday 13 June, moderated by Julie Etchingham. To be broadcast on ITV. Leaders or senior representatives from the following parties will participate; Conservative Party, Labour Party, Liberal Democrats, SNP, Reform UK, Green Party and Plaid Cymru. Broadcasting on 13 June at 20:30 on ITV.
  • Question Time Leaders’ Special: Thursday 20 June, York – Fiona Bruce will present the show with questions from a studio audience, involving leaders of the four biggest political parties in Great Britain, broadcast from 20:00-22:00 on the BBC.
  • Head-to-head debate: Wednesday 26 June, Nottingham – Sophie Raworth will host the event involving Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer. This is set to be the final TV debate of the election campaign and will be broadcast from 21:00-22:00 on the BBC.

Scotland, Wales and NI

Debates have also been scheduled in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland:

  • Scotland Election 2024 Leaders’ Special: Tuesday 11 June – Stephen Jardine will chair a debate featuring the leaders of the five Scottish parties. They will appear in front of a live audience on BBC One Scotland from 20:00-21:00
  • Wales Leaders’ Debate live: Friday 21 June – Bethan Rhys Roberts will host a debate programme in Cardiff from 19:00 on BBC One Wales with the leaders of the main parties in Wales
  • Northern Ireland Leaders’ Debate: Thursday 27 June – Tara Mills will preside over a debate featuring the main party leaders in Northern Ireland, broadcast on BBC One Northern Ireland

Rishi Sunak is new PM

Rishi Sunak will be the UK’s next prime minister after winning the Conservative Party leadership contest.

Rishi Sunak MP
Rishi Sunak MP

The news was announced at 2pm today. He won the Tory leadership contest after rival Penny Mordaunt failed to secure enough backing from MPs.

In a TV address that lasted less than two minutes, Mr Sunak promised to serve with “integrity” and thanked outgoing Prime Minister Liz Truss for leading the country during “exceptionally difficult circumstances”.

“The United Kingdom is a great country but there is no doubt we face a profound economic challenge,” he said. “We now need stability and unity and I will make it my utmost priority to bring our party and our country together.”

The King will appoint Mr Sunak, who will take over from Ms Truss following her resignation just 45 days into her tumultuous premiership last week.

Rishi Sunak In Front

Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak is the favourite to become Britain’s next PM, with over 100 votes from fellow Conservative MPs, the only leadership contender to have confirmed having reached this milestone.

Former PM Boris Johnson pulled out over the weekend, leaving just Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt in the race.

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Who Should be the Next PM

How will next PM be chosen?

Candidates are looking for backers now to join the streamlined process.

Step 1

Hopefuls need 100 backers to enter the race.

If only one candidate gets 100 backers then there is no vote, and they automatically become the next leader.

Step 2

If more than 2 candidates, Conservative MPs vote repeatedly until only 2 candidates remain.

Step 3

From 2 candidates, Conservative MPs vote a final time and indicate their preferred candidate.

Step 4

Conservative members across the country vote online to pick a winner, unless one of the candidates drops out.

Step 5

The winner becomes leader of the Conservative party and next PM.

Liz Truss Resigns as PM

Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns as UK prime minister and leader of the Conservative Party. New leader to be chosen in a weeks time.

Liz Truss MP
Liz Truss MP

Liz Truss’s departure after 45 days in office makes her the shortest-serving PM in UK history.

Sir Graham Brady MP set out some of the broad principles of the contest this afternoon:

  • The leadership contest should be concluded by Friday 28 October
  • Party rules say there will be two final candidates, where the winner will be chosen by the members. This is assuming no-one drops out.

Sir Graham added that further details about the contest will be set out later.

Liz Truss named PM

Liz Truss MP
Liz Truss MP

The Foreign Secretary won the backing of 81,326 Tory members, compared with 60,399 for Mr Sunak.

The turnout in this year’s contest was 82.6%, with 141,725 party members casting a ballot.

ConservativeHome Poll puts Truss Ahead

Rishi Sunak needs a massive game-changer to turn this contest round if latest poll results are correct

Latest Results – 4th August 2022

Truss 58 per cent, Sunak 26 per cent – 12 per cent undecided

ConservativeHome Poll 4 August 2022
ConservativeHome Poll 4 August 2022

The accuracy of the poll is strengthened by similar poll results from YouGov

Here are the figures.

Liz Truss: 58 per cent (ConHome), 60 per cent (YouGov).

Rishi Sunak: 26 per cent (ConHome), 26 per cent (YouGov).

Don’t know: 12 per cent (ConHome), 11 per cent (YouGov).

But Ms Truss told supporters she is “not taking anything for granted” and a backer of Mr Sunak, Tory MP Mel Stride, said it was “all to play for”.

He told Sky News: “We know through our MPs working amongst their membership is that Rishi’s position is far stronger than many are imagining.

Rishi Sunak claims audience win in Sky News’ Battle for Number 10 programme

But Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak disagreed over recession warning in their latest TV clash

Tory leadership rivals Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak have set out competing plans to deal with the economic recession forecast by the Bank of England in their latest TV clash.

Sky News’ Battle for No10 show

Ms Truss said a recession was “not inevitable” if “bold” action was taken.

But Mr Sunak said the foreign secretary’s “unfunded” tax cuts would pour “fuel on the fire” of inflation.

At the end of 90 minutes, Liz Truss had a vision, but there was a reluctance to give all the answers. Rishi Sunak was across the issues, but wasn’t promising a bold new vision to a party fretful about the polls and the economy says Sam Coates, Deputy political editor @SamCoatesSky

Rishi Sunak won the audience, but Liz Truss appears to have a grip on the Tory membership in the country. The audience, made up of Conservative Party members, convincingly backed former chancellor Mr Sunak in a show of hands, rather than Ms Truss.